Set Free

“ Mom, I need to talk to you,” Marina said, her eyes wet.

“ What’s going on? Why are you crying?” the mom asked worriedly.

“ Every night, in my sleep, I feel like I’m having sexual intercourse with someone. And when I wake up in the norming, I feel excruciating pain in my stomach,” Marina revealed.

“ How long have you been living this nightmare ?” the mother questioned.

“ Two weeks now,” Marina replied.

“ My daughter, that is serious. I will talk to your aunt Ashley. She may be able to help us.”

“ How can she help me? Aunt Ashley is not a doctor?” Marina said, skeptical.

 “ Having sexual intercourse with someone in your sleep is not a medical issue. It’s more than that. That’s why we need to talk to your aunt Ashely,” the mother said.

“ I love aunt Ashley, but I don’t understand how she will help me, ” Marina replied.

“ I remember having severe pain in my back years ago. X-rays and other medical exams revealed nothing. Doctors said my body was normal. But the pain was still there. So I told your aunt about it. ”

“ Then what happened? ” Marina asked.

“ Aunt Ashley laid hands on me, and she prayed. Guess what? The pain was gone. I was totally heal,” the mother recalled.

“ Just like that! A prayer healed you?” Marina asked doubtfully.

Marina went to visit aunt Ashley the next day.  She lives in Savannah Georgia in a beautiful home.

“ What a surprise ! Why you didn’t tell you were coming when you called me ?” aunt Ashley asked.

“ I didn’t want to discuss the matter on the phone,” Marina’s mother replied.

“ What’s going on ? ” Aunt Ashley asked as she was serving the refreshment.

“ It’s about your niece Marina .”

Aunt Ashley said directly to Marina, “ What’s wrong with you ? I hope you are not pregnant. You know my rule: marriage first then the children.”

“ I’m not pregnant, It’s about something else, ” Marina answered shily.

“ She is having sex in her sleep. I mean, somebody is abusing her every night when she sleeps. ”

“ Since when?” Aunt Ashley inquired.

“ Two weeks now, ” Marina said.

“ The person who sleeps with you in your dream is a spirit, a demon,” Aunt Ashley revealed.

“ Wait a minute! ” Marina’s mother said. She took a deep breath and continued, “ You mean my daughter is having sex with a demon? That is unbelievable !”

“ Calm down, sister. The spirit takes a human body to accomplish this act,” aunt Ashley explained.

“ Every morning when I wake up after sleeping with that spirit,  I feel excruciating pain in my stomach as if I was going to die, ” Marina said.

“ If this doesn’t stop, it can lead to infertility and even prevent you from getting married,” aunt Ashley said.

“ How do we stop this nightmare?” Marina asked in fear.

“Having sex with a demon in your sleep is a problem that can be solved spiritually,” Aunt Ashley announced.

“ That is why we are here. I know that you are a believer, and your prayers work. Remember when you prayed for me about my back pain? Your prayers healed me,” Marina’s mother recalled.

“ I do remember. It’s Jesus that healed you, not me. And the same Jesus gave us the power to cast out any demons. But…” Aunt Ashley paused and gazed at Marina and her mom.

“ But…. What !” Marina demanded.

“ I won’t always be available to pray for you. How about being able to cast out demons yourself? That easier. You wouldn’t have to drive miles to come to me for prayers,” Aunt Ashley suggested.

“ You mean we can pray and cast out demons ourselves ?”

“ Yes, at one condition,” Aunt Ashley replied.

 Marina looked at her mother and asked slowly, “ What’s the condition ?”

“ To be able to cast out demons, you must be born again, ” Aunt Ashley said straightforwardly.

“ You mean, we got to go church? ” Marina asked.

“ Hear me very well. Being born again is more than just going to church. Being born again means making Jesus your Lord and Savior. You become a new person with a new spirit when you do so. You move from darkness to light. Then you will enjoy the benefits of the children of God, such as overcoming sin, casting out demons, experiencing God’s promises, and much more, ” Aunt Ashley elaborated.

“ But I thought all human beings were children of God,” Marina’s mother observed.

“ Wrong! All human beings are creatures of God. But only those who received Jesus as Lord and Savior are children of God. Is it clear ?” Aunt Ashley clarified.

Marina’s mother nodded.

“ Aunty, how do we make Jesus our Lord and Savior?” Marina asked purposefully.

“ All it takes to receive Jesus in your life is a simple prayer,” Aunt Ashley said.

“ Just a prayer ?” Marina asked, surprised.

“ Yes! Now, are you willing to make Jesus your Lord and Savior with all your heart ?”

“ Sure !” Marina agreed.

Aunt Ashley led her into the prayer of salvation.

“ Now, you are a child of God. Heaven rejoices in your decision. From today on, I will teach you the Scriptures and nurture you with the things of God, just like a mother takes care of her newborn baby,” Aunt Ashley explained. Then she prayed against the evil spirit that attacked Marina in her sleep.

“ Marina, you are now free. You will no longer see that spirit in your dream again. You are covered by the blood of Jesus,” Aunt Ashley assured her.

Marina hugged her aunt and murmured, “ Thank you so much.”