Demon invasion

Cope city is three miles away from New Orleans, Louisiana. Monstrous creatures of the family, called “One-eyed spirits,” invaded the town. Their goal is to destroy the Human species. They set up one strategy to reach their goal: lust and seduce men with sex. They have picked New Orleans on purpose. Cope city populations are known for envy, gluttony, greed, and lust; they are the perfect target for the “One-eyed spirits.”

The “One-eyed spirits” gathered to plan a strategy to destroy Human beings.

The meeting took place in the depth of the sea.

“What can we do to destroy the human species?” the leader asked.

“I suggest we target the men first. Then we will deal with the females. To lure men into our trap, let’s use the strategy of lust,” a One-eyed spirit with sharpened teeth said.

“That sounds interesting. Please elaborate on your idea,” the leader encouraged him.

“Well, we should build our lust strategy on the sex. Since men love sex, we can destroy them easily,” the spirit elaborated.

“So we should target places like nightclubs, bars, restaurants, beaches, etc.,” the leader added.

“Exactly !” the spirit who made the suggestion agreed.

“Yessssssssss, let’s attack the men,” all the One-eyes spirits said in unison. 

“Exactly !” the spirit who made the suggestion agreed.

“Yessssssssss, let’s attack the men,” all the One-eyes spirits said in unison. 

“Listen !” the leader barked. “Now,  go and possess all the beautiful girls of the town. Through them, we will get the men.”

A week later, Allen, a student at Louisiana university, met a pretty girl named Rosy in a nightclub. They started hanging out together. One night, after dinner at Allen’s tiny apartment, they both went into the bathroom to shower.

When Rosy took off her clothes, something strange appeared on the bathroom mirror.

When Allen looked at the bathroom mirror, he saw blood streaming down.

“What’s this ?” he shouted.

 Then he looked at Rosy; her beautiful face changed into a monster face with three horns and sharp teeth.

“Help !!!!!!!!!!” Allen screamed.

The monster choked Allen. The body collapsed in the bathroom, and a beast disappeared.

At the next meeting of the “One-eyes spirits” demons, the leader asked, “How many men did we destroy in 24h ?”

A demon stood up and announced proudly, “The lust strategy is working well. In 24h, we killed four thousand men. We used sex as bait, and it worked well.”

“Well done, guys, but remember our target is to kill ten thousand men in 24 h. Go and achieve the goal.”

The One-eye spirits seduced many men in Cope city and killed them. The boss rewarded the spirits who committed more damage at the debriefing meeting. They celebrated their victories by shouting, dancing, and drinking human blood. The boss stood up and raised his hand to get everyone’s attention.

“Now,” he said, “let’s target the big fish. I mean people who are well known in the Louisiana State. It could be political authorities, football players, mayors; you name it. Involve them in shameful scandals in which they lose their reputation and lives.”

“Yes, boss,” the demons shouted and scattered.

In the following months, there were several scandals in Louisiana. High-level authorities and well-known stars did awful things. One of the state’s cities mayors committed the most embarrassing and shameful act. He slept with a high school student who was his daughter’s age. The seventeen-year-old girl took pictures of the naked mayor and posted them on social media. As you can imagine, the news went viral on all the mainstream media and internet networks. The same day, the Cope city mayor stepped down. Later on in the night, he was found hanged in his bathroom.

The death of the city mayor brought joy to the “One eye-spirit” demons community. As they were planning to take down more state officials, one of the demons said something unexpected.

“Boss,” he said, “it looks like one of my targets, a State Senator, is not like other humans.”

“What do you mean?” the boss barked, his eye wide open.

“I tried to seduce him using a beautiful, sharp, and charming lady, but I failed. He is untouchable. Sometimes, he is surrounded by fire in the spiritual realm, and sometimes he is covered by a dazzling light. I have never dealt with this type of human being,” the demon explained.

“How long have you been trying to take him down?” the boss asked.

“About three months now,” the demon replied.

“This man is an ES,” the boss revealed.

“What’s an ES ?” all the demons in the room asked curiously.

“ES stands for Enlightened Spirit. Human beings are spirits who live in a body. Most of them, I would say 95%, live in darkness. It means their spirits are not renewed. But there is a minority

of humans who are different. Unlike others, they possess what we call a redeemed spirit. That is a huge difference,” the boss elaborated.

“So how can we kill those who have a redeemed spirit?” the demon asked hesitantly.

“As I said, they are not like other humans. Unfortunately, we cannot kill them. ES, I mean, a human with an Enlightened Spirit is more powerful than us,” the boss admitted.

“What !!!! Really?” the demons said, shocked by the revelation.

“Where is Poutros? The demon in charge of the easter region?” the boss asked.

“He went for a meeting with other principalities,” the demon replied.

“Okay. Did he ever tell you how he lost his right eye?” the boss asked.

“No. He never said a word about it,” the demon replied.

“Boutros lost his eye because he decided to attack a man just like the State Senator you try to take down.”

“You mean the man was an ES?” the demon asked.

“Yes. Boutros went to attack him around 2 am, hoping that the man was sleeping. When Poutros approached the man’s house,  he wasn’t sleeping. The man was praying,” the boss paused to ensure his words sank into the heart of his audience. The boss surveyed the room and continued, “The man was praying fervently. Instead of backing off and coming back at a more favorable time, Poutros decided to get in the man’s house anyway. When He tried to enter through the bedroom window, a sharp sword came out of nowhere and struck him. That is how he lost his right eye.”

“Boss, we used to attack and take down many people who go to church. How come Poutros couldn’t attack a praying man?” a demon asked.

“Being an Enlightened spirit is not about going to church. It’s more than that,” the boss replied.

“I still don’t understand. Can you elaborate ?” the demon insisted.

“Being an Enlightened spirit is not about going to church. It’s more than that,” the boss replied.

“I still don’t understand. Can you elaborate?” the demon insisted.

“Listen, the few people who have an Enlightened spirit not only go to church, but more importantly, they have a deep relationship with the  BM, I mean the Big Master. That alone makes them untouchable,” the boss explained.

“Wait a minute,” a demon said. He  stared at the other demons  and  added hesitantly, “We all think you are  the Big Master, aren’t you ?”

“I’m a master over you guys. But there is a Big Master who controls the entire universe,” the boss replied.

“The Big Master is He the one called Jesus ?” a demon asked.

As soon as he pronounced the name Jesus, the place shook violently, and all the demons, including the boss, bowed down.

“Never pronounce this name again. We call him BM. Whoever mentions His name here again will be beheaded. Meeting dismissed, their boss barked.

“Be careful. Never attack a human who has an Enlightened spirit. I learned my lesson,” Poutros warned a colleague.